Capacity Building and Training


Public Perception Survey of the Palestinian Civil Police (PCP).Human Dynamics. 2014-On-going.
In cooperation with the PCBS, Human Dynamics, European Union Coordinating Office for Palestinian Police Support (EUPOL COPPS), UNDP, and the PCP, AWRAD analyzed the results of a public perception survey of PCP performance in Palestine. The development of the survey and the analysis of its results were highly informed by the extensive consultative process among all stakeholders. The survey included assessments of perceptions on: safety, general perceptions of PCP, PCP service delivery, contacts and complaints, gender and juvenile, service delivery development. The analytical report included specific recommendations for the PCP to improve certain areas of their work. AWRAD also prepared and conducted a two-day training for the police officers on the importance and use of public opinion surveys. One workshop targeted the senior officers and the other targeted the junior officers.
Gender Audit for GPC and Gender Trainings for Ministry of Interior (MoI), Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MoPWH) and the Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology (MTIT).Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI) – Effective Governance Program (EGP). 2013-2014.
 AWRAD was contracted by DAI/EGP to conduct a gender audit to promote organizational learning at the General Personnel Council (GPC) on how to effectively mainstream gender in its work. Simultaneously, AWRAD also worked with the GPC to plan and develop their Gender Strategy, a document on how to practically incorporate gender into its policies, programs, budget and structure.  This was accomplished through on-the job training.  AWRAD developed and conducted a gender sensitization training workshop for senior staff at the MoPWH to help guide their two-year plan of action, and two-day training for staff of the MTIT to raise awareness for the development of the Ministry’s first Gender Unit.  Working with the EGP team, AWRAD provided technical input and recommendations for the design of a Model Gender Unit, which could be introduced to partner institutions.
Women’s Participation in the Social, Economic and Political Context in the Arab World.” (Covering Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen ). Arab Women's Leadership Institute (AWLI). 2013-2014.
For this assignment AWRAD distributed 6,000 questionnaires and conducted eight focus groups across three countries in the Arab World: Libya, Tunisia and Yemen. The aim of this project, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), was to address prevailing social and political norms related to women’s involvement in a wide range of sectors. After completing fieldwork in all three Arab states, AWRAD’s office team developed three PowerPoint presentations and a 100-page report for AWLI. The report highlighted the critical findings on women’s involvement in the economic and political sectors, as well as social perceptions, attitudes and restrictions related to their involvement. Particularly significant to AWRAD’s proposal, the final analytical report and PowerPoint presentations were designed to help influence policy on women’s inclusion throughout the Arab World by providing data on priorities and programming needs.
Youth: Agents of Social Change.” AWRAD Community Development Fund, International Republican Institute (IRI). 2013-2014.
This was a broad project aiming to empower youth across Palestine and connect them with their local communities. Youth from all 16 governorates in the West Bank and Gaza were recruited to participate in training programs offering instruction in survey research and polling techniques, as well as participate in activities to brainstorm for engagement initiatives. At the conclusion of the training, the youth served as field researchers in two public opinion polls in the West Bank and Gaza. They also helped organize a variety of activities for members of their community to brighten their lives and strengthen the social fabric. These activities included organizing Iftar dinners, visiting children in hospitals, organizing activities for the elderly and bringing dates and other sweets to Palestinians stuck at checkpoints.
Building the Capacity of Libyan Researchers.” International Republican Institute (IRI). 2012-2013.
AWRAD completed an EU-funded three-phase training of 40 young Libyan researchers. The training focused on qualitative and quantitative research methods, survey research, polling, interviewing skills, focus groups, and in-depth interviews. The first phase of the training focused on building the core and capacity of a research team. The second phase focused on focus groups, field research and organization, interviewing and communication skills and research under adversity. The third, and final, phase focused on qualitative and quantitative methods.
Developing the Capacity of Benghazi University.” EU and Crown Agents. 2012-2013.
The AWRAD team assisted Benghazi University in developing its research capacity. AWRAD provided training in questionnaire development, research design, methodology development, sampling, data entry and analysis.  In addition, AWRAD trained the core team of researchers and field teams in the fields of survey research, data collection and analysis of its first survey on the Constitution.
Public Opinion Polling and Media Coverage: Training for Journalists.” International Republican Institute (IRI) & AWRAD. 2012.
This project was a training of 25 Palestinian journalists from the most prominent news outlets. AWRAD  provided  training for the two-day workshop on the science of polling and the role of media in covering polling results. Trainees included chief editors, editors, reporters, correspondents and columnists from Palestine TV, Voice of Palestine, Wafa, Ma’an, Wattan, Al Arabiya, Government Media Center (the Prime Minister’s office), a Fatah spokesperson and media officials, Reuters, the Media Officer at the Ministry of Finance, Al Quds Newspaper, Al Hayyat al Jadida Newspaper, Birzeit University’s Media Center, Nisaa’ FM and other radio stations. Eight of the participants were female and 13 were male. The training topics focused on the following: the history of polling in Palestine; the relation between polling, democracy and policy making; the science of polling; the most frequent errors committed by the media in presenting polling results; how the media covers polling; and some of the best ways of presenting polling results in written, spoken, visual and new media.
Party Empowerment Initiative Morocco: Results of a Survey and Focus Groups.International Republican Institute (IRI). 2008.
AWRAD was contracted to assist in the provision of data and analysis   for the benefit of Moroccan political parties. Prior to this assignment, a needs assessment had concluded that these parties were underprepared in outreach and planning strategies that would be better informed by the collection of qualitative and quantitative data. The project adopted a three-phase approach. The first phase was immediate exploration of the needs of the parties, accomplished through meetings with leading figures. The second phase included meetings, workshops, focus groups and report writing. The third phase was defined by the distribution of surveys among party members to determine their needs, priorities and evaluations of party-related issues.  
Building the Capacity of Yemen Polling Center (YPC).Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). 2007.
AWRAD and its staff played a major role in the establishment and continued capacity building of the YPC. AWRD was contracted by MEPI to help build the capacity of the YPC though designing their research systems and field work protocols including sampling and interviewing. AWRAD also trained about 40 field researchers of the YPC staff. This work was done during a number of visits to the country.
Training on Research and Analytical Writing.International Republican Institute (IRI). 2006.
AWRAD conducted a one-week training program for the staff of the Omani Parliament in the fields of research and analytical writing.  A training manual was prepared in conjunction with the training. 


AWRAD experienced staff and experts conduct high-quality independent research, and produce innovative recommendations and policy solutions. AWRAD's motto is "Quality Research Matters".