Women’s Participation in the Social, Economic and Political Context in the Arab World.” (Covering Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen). Arab Women Leadership Institute (AWLI). 2013-2014.
For this assignment AWRAD distributed 6,000 questionnaires and conducted 8 focus groups across three countries in the Arab World: Libya, Tunisia and Yemen. The aim of this project, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), was to address prevailing social and political norms related to women’s involvement in a wide range of sectors. After completing fieldwork in all three Arab states, AWRAD’s office team developed three PowerPoint presentations and a 100-page report for AWLI. The report highlighted the critical findings on women’s involvement in the economic and political sectors, as well as social perceptions, attitudes and restrictions related to their involvement. Particularly significant to AWRAD’s proposal, the final analytical report and PowerPoint presentations were designed to help influence policy on women’s inclusion throughout the Arab World by providing data on priorities and programming needs.
Building the Capacity of Libyan Researchers.” International Republican Institute (IRI). 2012-2013.
AWRAD completed an EU-funded three-phase training of 40 young Libyan researchers. The training focused on qualitative and quantitative research methods, survey research, polling, interviewing skills, focus groups, and in-depth interviews. The first phase of the training focused on building the core and capacity of a research team. The second phase focused on focus groups, field research and organization, interviewing and communication skills and research under adversity. The third, and final, phase focused on qualitative and quantitative methods.
Developing the Capacity of Benghazi University.” EU and Crown Agents. 2012-2013.
The AWRAD team assisted Benghazi University in developing its research capacity. AWRAD provided training in questionnaire development, research design, methodology development, sampling, data entry and analysis.  In addition, AWRAD trained the core team of researchers and field teams in the fields of survey research, data collection and analysis of its first survey on the Constitution.
Mapping and Participatory Needs Assessment of Civil Society in Libya.” AWRAD. 2012.
AWRAD completed a CSO mapping study on evolving Libyan civil society in November 2012. The study was carried out by the AWRAD Team in Libya and Palestine employing a participatory approach. The data was collected through a survey of CSOs in the various regions of the country. Data and analysis were also carried out through six (6) focus groups and in-depth interviews. A full mapping report and a directory of 100 CSOs are now available.  AWRAD organized a national validation workshop to discuss the preliminary results of the mapping. Two additional focus groups with CSOs, youth organizations, and government officials were also conducted during November 2012. The study is supported by the Foundation for the Future.
Libyan Perspectives on Governance: Focus Group Findings.” International Republican Institute (IRI). 2012.
In November 2012, AWRAD carried out 10 focus groups in 5 municipalities in Libya to support IRI’s efforts to engage youth, CSOs, and other officials in more extensive dialogue during the process of political transition in Libya. Specifically, AWRAD conducted two sets of focus groups in five municipalities in Libya to probe the opinion of the Libyan adult constituency on public policy issues and the role of government in their daily life.
“Involvement in Libyan Elections.” International Republican Institute (IRI), Libyan Election Commission. 2011.

A delegation of AWRAD staff met with the President the Libyan Election Commission, Mr. Nuri Al Abbar and other Commission representatives. The AWRAD team provided insights on the experiences of other commissions in the regions and provided a comparative perspective on the conduct of elections. It was also agreed that AWRAD would monitor the Libyan parliamentary election through its Regional Coordinator, Dr. Walid Salhi.

Developing the Capacity of Libyan Research Centers
The AWRAD team was asked by the newly established Libya Center for Strategic and Futuristic Studies to assist in developing its capacity. The members of the Board of Trustees and a team of senior researchers attended a strategic planning session that was facilitated by Dr. Nader Said and Dr. Walid Salhi of AWRAD. The session will be followed by the long term involvement of AWRAD in developing the research capacity of the center. As a follow-up, a three-day strategic planning session will be organized next month to help the center refine its vision, role, objectives, and methods.

Meetings with Libyan Academics and Community Leaders
In both Tripoli and Musrata, the AWRAD team, Dr. Nader Said and Dr. Walid Salhi, met with academics representing a number of universities and academic institutions. The team also met with community and political party leaders in both Tripoli and Musrata. The meetings focused on the role of academics, academic institutions and community, and political leaders in the promotion of development and democracy in Libya.


AWRAD experienced staff and experts conduct high-quality independent research, and produce innovative recommendations and policy solutions. AWRAD's motto is "Quality Research Matters".