
10 November 2007: The International Meeting

International Meeting
Negotiations & Final Settlement
Evaluation of Institutions and Leaders
Elections and Political Support
Field work: 14-16 October 2007
Publication Date: 10 November 2007

Main Results

  • Widespread doubts about the upcoming international meeting at Annapolis, where 45% believe that nothing will actually change as a result, while 14% believe that the meeting will only reinforce the occupation.
  • 53% believe that President Abbas cares for the opinions of the public regarding the Annapolis meeting.
  • 57% support and 14% (support to some extent) a solution based on two-states according to UN resolution 242.
  • 74% support a solution based on the return of most refugees to the West Bank and Gaza and others to the 1948 proper (Israel).
  • About 70% feel that negotiations are the best means to achieve national goals.
  • 50% describe the performance of Hanneyeh's cabinet as (week), compared with 36% who describe the performance of the President's Office as (week).
  • Fayyad's cabinet receives higher evaluations in all fields compared with that of Hanneyeh. But both cabinets get almost equal scores in the field of achieving personal and collective security.
  • 66% evaluate the performance of Hanneyh's cabinet in improving economic conditions as (week), this compared with 28% who describe the performance of Fayyad's cabinet in the same field as (week).
  • If election took place on the day of the poll, Fateh might receive 40% or more, and Hamas might receive 15% or more, as over one third of the respondents are either (undecided) or say that they will not vote.
  • Abbas, Fayyad or Marwan Bargouti could win over Hanneyeh in a presidential election (with at least 25 points more).
  • 72% feel that the gap between Gaza and the West Bank is increasing.
  • 35% say that Fateh is more capable in leading the Palestinian society, while 12% say that Hamas is more capable. In contrast about 50% say that neither party is capable of doing that.
  • 71% feel that Palestinian society is going in the wrong direction.

For More detailed Results, Please see this file
Arabic Reports
With support from the International Republican Institute (IRI) & Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI).

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